
Nimuendaju, is an adult animated feature project based on the story of German-Brazilian ethnologist Curt Nimuendaju. Selected to be pitched at Annecy 2016’s Mifa market, And Cannes 2017 Marché du film. I Coordinated Post-Production and did Compositing for the 4K Teaser showed on Cannes, I also did the Animatic of the Feature Project and the Tittle Sequence.

Stills from the project 
(click to enlarge)
Compositing guidelines for animation and background assets
(click to enlarge)
4k Project Teaser
(contains strong images and violence, may not be suited for general audience, viewer discretion advised)
Before and After Breakdown slider
(drag to interact)
                                                            Year: 2017
                                                            Director: Tania Anaya
                                                            Story: Flavia
                                                            Production Company: Anaya Produções
                                                            Producers:Bruno Hilário, Kleber Gesteira and Peter Ketnath
                                                            Art Director: Angelo Abu 
                                                            Concept Art: Sarah Guedes, Bruno Sommerfeld, Daniel Bretas
                                                            Art Coordnator: Sarah Guedes
                                                            Animation: Atoon Studio
                                                            Compositing and Visual FX: Carlos Daniel

                                                            Music: André Baptista
                                                            Sound Design: Aeromúsica

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